About Us
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “Life is a journey – not a destination” This past February 2023 – my wife Kerry and I started our journey into RV life with absolutely no camping experience between us. Don’t get me wrong – we love the outdoors. Biking, kayaking, hiking, snowboarding, and a whole bunch of other activities have kept us busy throughout the years.
However, with two kids in college we figured what better way to visit them than with our own tiny home on wheels? For those who currently have or have had college kids – you know the joys of college visits. Long road trips, hotel rooms, and restaurants. Our Itty Bitty RV is just what we needed to make these journeys a little bit more fun.
So why an RV? For one, it makes for a great getaway for me and the missus. Secondly, we’re now ready for the Zombie Apocalypse should one occur! And who knows…maybe we can start a side business like Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.
All joking aside, there is still so much of this country that we both haven’t seen yet. Originally we were going to wait until both our girls were out of college but we decided to follow Ferris Bueller’s advice “Life moves pretty fast – if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile – you’ll miss it.”